“It was during Algebra that I met new person #3 in my high school. I was staying pretty quiet, feeling unsure if I would fit in there, or who even cares about that as much as the unconscious question: Would I find even a few people that would really like me? REALLY accept me for who I was, and even for who I wasn’t? Most kids in this school were more well-to-do than in my last school, and I was feeling out of place. While the math teacher droned on, with her overly-dyed blonde hair, I subtly scanned the room. [ …read full story ]
Dear Soul Friend
About Soul Friend

What does God want you to do with your life? What is your purpose? What is His plan? Soul Friend is the product of many years of friendships and ministry. I pray that it will be a resource for many as they walk with God and grow in their personal relationships. What is a Soul Friend? A Soul Friend is a friend who cares for your soul. Easy as that! It’s the kind of friend who asks you how you are doing and is really meaning, “How are you doing with God? Are you growing spiritually? Are you becoming more like [ …read full story ]