This week I heard a sermon by John DelHousaye. He had a unique perspective on God’s possible purpose for loneliness in our lives. He shared that God sometimes takes people away from us so that we can get alone with Him and be more intimate with Him. He suggested that our solitude, or departing to have a time with God, strengthens our souls against temptation, shrinks our fleshly pride, and promotes humility. DelHousaye said that the soul grows best when the flesh is vulnerable. One way we can make our flesh vulnerable is by fasting. Sometimes we need to starve [ …read full story ]
Biblical Encouragement
Below are verses that I have found helpful in specific situations. God’s word always has an answer to our need. He will speak to us through His word. For an online Bible: My favorite Study Bible is called the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible. I use the New International Version. I love the index of Scriptures, the Concordance, and the Process of using Scripture to interpret Scripture by using the Chain-Reference method of study. More about this in my blog posts on Bible Study. Also, for journaling, I like this Kindred Spirits Journal. Spiritual Growth: Try this downloadable PDF resource for [ …read full story ]
2015 Speaking Engagements JULY 2015:♦ SheSpeaks Conference, North Carolina – July 23-25, 2015 MARCH 2015:♦ Teaching Couples Sunday School Class, Prayer Series, Arizona Community Church – March 8 and 29, 2015 FEBRUARY 2015:♦ Love Series, Arizona Women’s Experience, Arizona Community Church. ♦ Listen to the recorded series here! ♥ JANUARY 2015:♦ Teen Parenting Class, Arizona Community Church – Wednesday Nights 2014 Speaking Engagements SEPTEMBER 2014:♦ Moms’ Bible Study Kickoff, Arizona Community Church – September 8, 2014 AUGUST 2014:♦ Soul Friend Retreat – August 29-30, 2014 JULY 2014:♦ SheSpeaks Conference in North Carolina – July 25-26, 2014 Future Speaking Engagements: Please send [ …read full story ]

You know that mom with the perfectly organized everything? A place for everything in her house? She alphabetizes her spices, and uses her grocery list. Her house is spotless, any time, day or night. She is always ready to entertain and show hospitality. Her kids are perfect. Such little peaches. She speaks to them gently and kindly. She delights in them. They adore her, and make her little gifts. They always tell her She’s the best mom in the entire world. But she knows. She knows the mom with the crazy messy fun house, where all of the neighborhood kids [ …read full story ]