Dear Soul Friend
Stop Self-Protecting…Be a Soul Friend.
There is always risk in friendship. It is always worth it.

Here I am with my first Soul Friend, my momma. :)
“Dear Soul Friend”
… is a place where you can share your trials and triumphs. This page is meant to be an outlet to connect with women who are hurting and have questions about God, relationships, spiritual growth, and life in general. We want to walk with you through life’s ups and downs.
This is a place where you can share what you are learning and ask for spiritual counsel and get encouragement to keep fighting the good fight.
Comments on this page will be seen by all. If you prefer to communicate privately with me, please use the online form found in Contact Soul Friend. I’d love to hear from you!
2 Responses to “Dear Soul Friend”
Comments (2)
Hey I was wondering what advice would you give in have a Christ centered marriage?
Hi Olivia. A Christ-Centered marriage is a high goal, but well worth the efforts. There are several habits that you can put into practice. First, talk with one another about the goals of your marriage. Pick your top 2 and agree to pray over them regularly (like every week or month). Talk about expectations. What are 3 things you could do for him every day that would make him feel cared for? What are your 3 things that would help you feel cared for? The reason you want to be loving and communicating, is that when you are living unselfishly in your relationship with one another, then God will be seen in your marriage. It is unusual to see couples who really desire to stay on the same page (in every area of their lives), and who like to do the things for their spouse that help them feel loved (even when it is inconvenient for them to serve). I think it takes a dose of humility on each person’s part, and lots of patience, as we are being transformed into the image of Christ; some of us take longer to catch on than others. Another key is forgiveness. Be quick to forgive, quick to believe the best, quick to give grace. And be teachable, and willing to get help when you can’t seem to get unstuck in a marriage difficulty. Above all, seek Christ first with all your heart, and find your identity in him, and don’t put your hope in any human relationship, but know that Christ is sufficient for all of your needs. He will give you the wisdom to know when to talk in your relationship with your husband, and when to be quiet and give it time to simmer down. We have a best friend who is always with us that is ready to listen and is full of grace and truth. If you and your husband both pursue a deep, intimate, transformational relationship with Jesus Christ, as you walk together towards Him, He will light your path and show you the way you should go!