I don’t have time!
Do you ever feel like there is not enough time to do what you need to do?
Do you ask yourself how you will fit it all in? How do you decide what to do first? How do you decide what can wait for tomorrow?
There are so many facets of our lives. It is not possible to do everything in a day. How do we figure out what we should be doing?
I am comforted by Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33 “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This means, seek first his kingdom. And his righteousness.
First. What does that look like? If we seek God’s kingdom first, how will that affect our days?
What does it mean to seek? Seek is a verb, meaning “attempt to find something.” Hmm. Are we looking for God’s kingdom when we rise? When we go about our day? When we go to bed at night?
Are we looking for God’s righteousness in the morning? Are we aware of His presence throughout our day? Do we acknowledge his goodness and grace?
Too often, I think we go about our days running after the “things.” We strive to do the things (meals, dishes, bills, laundry, errands, ironing, phonecalls, meetings, hobbies, obligations, playgroups, date nights, showers, manicures, grocery shopping, and a million others). And we strive to be the things (the soccer mom, betty crocker, martha stewart, homework guru, socialite, fashionista, clean-eating, exercising, mother theresa-esque creature) until we wear ourselves out to complete exhaustion. I’m exhausted reading that, aren’t you?
I heard a wonderful answer to this conundrum today, on a podcast by Donna Otto: “I am doing a great work and I cannot come now,” taken from Nehemiah 3:16. Whatever God has called us to do, we need to do it, and not be distracted by all of the other things that come our way. We need to say no, because we are doing the work that God has called us to do.
Priorities. Seek God first. Seek HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness.
Then ask Him what work He has called you to do, and do that. With undivided devotion. Live out the call that He has placed on your life for this season.
visit homemakersbychoice and click on Podcasting to hear Donna’s short message on Nehemiah.
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