There is no limit to God’s power. No limit to his love. He wants to use each of us to reveal His glory to the world.
Our help is in the name of the Lord
who made heaven and earth.
Some days, or weeks, or even months, require more ‘calling out’ than others. I’ve been in one of those seasons. Needy, you could call it. Longing for rescue. Hoping for one of those things you throw off a ship to save a drowning sailor…you know, a life preserver? One of those times when you are thinking about so many different things that you don’t seem to be able to think at all? Overwhelmation, one writer called it. A silly word, but I like it. It describes the land I have been living in. It has been a time of crying out to the Lord, looking for help to come down from the hand of Almighty God.
When you don’t know what to say, just say “Jesus;” is the refrain of a contemporary worship song. It continues, “There is power in the name of Jesus, If the words won’t come cause you’re too afraid to pray Just say Jesus.”
Are we finding our help in the name of the Lord? Do we call out His Name when we are desperate? When we are lost? Alone? Scrambling? Sad? Weak? Weary? Worn out? Haggard? At our wits end?
He is ready. He is able to answer. He will help us. We just need to call out to Him, come to Him, pour out our requests before Him.
But we forget.
We get distracted by the storm. By the noise. The flutter. The everydayness of days. We think we can keep going on in our own strength. Or, more than likely, we forget that there is an option of not walking only in our own strength, but of walking in the strength of the Lord.
We call to Him.
He turns to us and hears our cry.
That simple.
But the habit of continually finding our help in the Lord alone is not simple. It is complicated. Because life is complicated. Calendars are full. Ringers and beepers and buzzers and bells are going off, telling us that time is getting away from us. We pack six-days worth of stuff into a 24 hour period. We think we are superheroes. We do more, say more, think more, feel more, and we let the world suck the lives right out of us. Then, like a deflated helium balloon, we remember that we were meant for more. We were meant to be filled up. To soar.
The only hope of fullness in life is to find our help in the Lord. Jesus. Just say Jesus. Say his name. Call out to him.
Jesus, are you close?
Jesus, can you help me?
Jesus, do you see me?
Jesus, do you know what I need?
He is the friend that is always near. He is as close as whispering his name, but closer. Because He is near before we ask Him to come. He is right with us in our struggle, before we are aware that he is there. He is ready to reach out and intervene right when we ask. He is doing life with us, but we forget he is there. He is the unseen One.
Open the eyes of our hearts Lord, so that we can see you! Help us become more and more aware of your presence as we seek you. You are who we need. You are more than enough.
Let it be said of me, “She called upon the name of the Lord; the Lord’s face, she did seek.”
See the lyrics of Just say Jesus here http://www.songlyrics.com/7eventh-time-down/just-say-jesus-lyrics/
One Response to “In His Name”
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Such a well written story. I keep reading it over and over for comfort. Thanks, Jodi.