Are you prepared to share what God has been teaching you?
You never know what kind of opportunity you will get when you are prepared to share your spritual journey with others. God will provide opportunities for us to share our faith and encourage spiritual growth in others, if we are prepared. How do we prepare to be a light and share our relationship with God with others?
Last weekend, I spoke at a Friend’s retreat. I had spent many hours, days, weeks and months preparing to share what God had placed on my heart. I had poured over Scripure, prayed for wisdom and asked God for direction, read countless books, and spent time journaling and writing what God was speaking to me.
It just so happens that I left my retreat notes, and entire notebook, at a restaurant after the Friday night session. We tried to retrieve it, but they did not find it or return our call. That left me no option but to go with the preparation that I had done beforehand. I had to trust in the leading of the Holy Spirit, to show me what to share during our next 3 sessions. Supernaturally, I had a peace that covered over any anxiety that I might have had in ‘winging it.’
‘Winging it’ left me at the mercy of the Holy Spirit. (Isn’t that where we all should want to remain? In dependant loyalty to our King?) I allowed the Holy Spirit to lead our Bible Study sessions, as I recounted what God had taught me through His word this summer. Thankfully, I had a journal of Scripture references and scratch notes that had been part of my rough draft for my speaking presentations. That was a catalyst to our discussions. But the Holy Spirit took the reigns and led us where we needed to go. He was able to use me because I was a vessel available to Him. I had asked Him to use me to be a blessing. I asked Him to speak through me and use my hands and feet to help others grow. He answered. Big time.
And when you do some sharing in the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no one who gets the glory but God alone. All that was accomplished at the Friend’s retreat was done by the hand of God. Chains were broken. Captives were set free. Minds were changed. Hearts were opened. Relationships were restored. New life was ignited. New convictions and resoluctions were made. Friendships based on the Lord Jesus Christ were formed and deepened. Prayers were prayed and tears were shed. Lives began to be transformed.
The fact that I had no notes, and that I taught in the power of the Holy Spirit, made the retreat all the more sweet. I would never had planned to go before a group of women and share from my heart, without even an outline. It was God’s plan that I be able to look each woman in the eye as I spoke the truth of the gospel and the admonishion to live our lives in submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

Remain in Him and you will be ready to share!
If my plans had been executed, there is a chance that I might have tried to take some credit. In my flesh, I could have craved and claimed some of the glory. But no. God did not see fit to give me any pedastol on which to stand and shout truth boldly from the rooftop. He chose to give me little, so that I would be completely dependent
on Him and never question whose power and intellegence and love had accomplished every good work that weekend.
So then, just as I prepared to share and be used by God last weekend, you and I need to prepare to be used by God every single day on any path God brings our way. If we pray for opportunities to share God’s grace, truth, light and life, oh girls, He will provide! This is a prayer that is according to His will! And when we hide His word in our hearts, He will bring it to mind (and to mouth) at the most opportune time. He will allow us to share when we have been faithful to prepare.
Are you ready to be used by God? There is no greater calling. No greater joy.
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