Are we seeing the beauty in the privilege of motherhood?
Motherhood is a whirl of activity. It is sometimes a giant blur. It feels like being on a merry-go-round that one can never get off.
In the midst of the daily tasks and challenges of motherhood, sometimes we forget to enjoy the present. We forget to cherish the soft baby skin and the cute childlike talk and the closeness that comes from being needed 24/7.
The call is great. The mission is impossible. The consequences of failure are dire. Of all of the roles we take on in life, motherhood is not the place to mess up.
Fortunately, we do not have to do this motherhood thing alone. With God, we can give our best for the sake of His call. We can rest assured that nothing is impossible with God, and He will not let us fail.
The whole goal of Christian motherhood is to raise young that love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength. This will be demonstrated in faith that bears fruit, and a life devoted to God’s will, God’s kingdom, and God’s glory.
How can we accomplish so great a work? We must live in the light of the truth, that we need God to work in us and through us to accomplish his purposes in our children’s lives. We are merely a vessel that God uses to shape his children into people fit for the kingdom of God!
We can cooperate with God in this work, by daily seeking Him and HIs kingdom. We can ask him for guidance, and bring all of our concerns before Him. We can entreat Him to intervene in our children’s lives, so that they are protected and preserved for the life He has laid out for them.
We can work with God as he works in our children’s lives. We do this by modeling Christlike behavior in our relationships with our husbands, children, relatives, friends, and neighbors. They will catch on if our life is full of love and good fruit! We can also provide Christian community and fellowship with believers from church. When we foster relationships with other families of believers, our values are affirmed and our mission is shared. We invite other godly adults to influence our children, with the hope that their testimony will affect their choice to follow after Jesus.
We can pray. Doesn’t the Bible say that God counts our tears? I’d bet that a mother cries over her children more than anything else in her life. But the tears are not wasted. They are treasured. They are valued. And they will bring about righteousness in that mama’s life. And, God-willing, they will provide fertile soil for the little ones to grow into the people that God planned for them to be, and to accomplish the purposes that He ordained for their lives.
Draw near to God, mamas. Fill your heart with his goodness, truth, and love. Let the joy of the Lord fill you, and be your strength. The children of the godly mama will rise and bless her!
For more encouragement and inspiration along the journey of motherhood, visit modern homemakers at homemakersbychoice.com.
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