Almost 10 years ago, my husband Bill and I had the opportunity to tour Israel with a group from our church. The only catch was that we would have to leave our 3 young children behind for 12 days! As a Bible student, I had always wanted to travel to Israel. I had to take advantage of the opportunity to go! I had to trust God, that He would take care of our children while we were overseas. So we packed up and left our 7, 5, and 3 year old in the care of my parents, with occasional relief [ …read full story ]

The little Christmas tree lights shine, making a bright spot in a dark room. The cheery decor sets an ambiance of joy in the midst of sadness. You see, Grandma is dying. She’s wrapping up her days here on earth. Her body is failing her, but her spirit is strong and joyful and secure in the hope of salvation and the peace that passes understanding. You see, Grandma loves Jesus. She knows Him personally. When you hear her speak of Him, she talks of an old friend. Grandma is no longer hungry for food. Her only hunger is for Jesus. [ …read full story ]

I headed for Starbucks in Sky Harbor before my flight to Raleigh, North Carolina. I was minding my own business (playing on my iPhone), when someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I knew the time. Turning around, I realized it was a familiar face, a friend from church! Instead of the time, I gave her a giant hug! She asked where I was going, and we discovered that she would be the flight attendant on my flight. After an hour delay, we boarded and got underway. I got through half of Michael Hyatt’s PLATFORM (highly recommend), and [ …read full story ]
I’m so glad you found me. I would love to be your friend as you walk with Jesus. Join the Soul Friend community to grow together in our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. God has a purpose for each one of us in relation to each other, and as we seek Him, He will reveal it to us. In this world, we will have trouble. The blessing is, we are not in it alone! We have one another. So, as I seek Him, I will share with you what He is teaching me, and I would love for you [ …read full story ]