Egyptian mummies
Are you thinking of Homeschooling?
If you are even remotely thinking of homeschooling, here are some things to consider.
Homeschooling is just like anything else in life that God might ask you to do. It is a task. It requires relationship. It includes discipleship. It requires discipline. It’s a lot of fun.
God would not call you to do something that He will not equip you to do. You don’t have to be smart, organized, or perfect in any way, to homeschool. If you are a parent, you can homeschool. God will give you the wisdom you need to provide your child with the schooling that he/she needs.
School/schmool……Let me explain. The whole idea of school is new. Two hundered years ago, everybody only homeschooled. Somehow, our society has decided that institutions can do it better. You be the judge. Sometimes the best ‘school’ that you could give your child is not ‘school’ at all. It is play. It is reading. It is baking. It is time together. It is cleaning the house. It is going to the store, buying gas, banking, and paying bills. It is babysitting for a new mom that needs to go to the doctor. It is biking or swimming in the middle of the day. It is watching the discovery channel or going to the Science Center. It’s playing at the park with other ‘homeschooled’ kids. Each day can look different, but it’s okay, because you are guided by a great Big God.
Many people comment and say, “I could never homeschool.” Well, here’s my straight answer: You could if God asked you to. Are you praying about it? Is He nudging you to do it? Then, of course you can! There are so many resources and ideas out there. But all you have to really start with is knowing and loving your child. If you are a student of your child, you can learn from them what they need to learn. Sure, pick up the right age-appropriate curriculum for them. Do some math. Read a lot.
It doesn’t have to be that hard. If God is calling you to do it, then He will lead you to what your child needs. And He will grow you up in the process. He will reveal to you what you must sacrifice in order to obey Him. He will show you where you are weak, and where you need to grow. He will teach you how to be a teacher. He will give you wisdom as you trust Him and walk with Him each day. And He will guide you in exactly what is right for your child at any given time. Do you trust Him?
Homeschooling is not for everyone. It is a choice. But if God gives you the conviction to do it, He will give you all that you need in order to succeed. God’s perspective is always bigger than ours. He sees things in us and in our kids that we do not see. He loves us. He loves them. He will reveal to us how (and where, and with what method) we should be schooling them. Our job is to seek Him. He will reveal His best plan for us and our children as we abide in Him.
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