The little Christmas tree lights shine, making a bright spot in a dark room. The cheery decor sets an ambiance of joy in the midst of sadness. You see, Grandma is dying. She’s wrapping up her days here on earth. Her body is failing her, but her spirit is strong and joyful and secure in the hope of salvation and the peace that passes understanding.
You see, Grandma loves Jesus. She knows Him personally. When you hear her speak of Him, she talks of an old friend.
Grandma is no longer hungry for food. Her only hunger is for Jesus. For truth, for life, for light, for eternity. She can no longer read her Bible or devotional readings, but her family members have offered to nourish her with spiritual food, just like we’ll offer physical food. She understands that God’s word brings light and life to her soul. “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple,” Ps. 119:130. We read her devotions for her. Pray with her. Be. In the Presence of Jesus. With her.
So she keeps her Christmas tree lit all night. A reminder of her faith. She thinks of the Faithful One, and knows He is coming soon. She will see His face! She is looking forward to his coming in his garment of light (Ps 104:2).
Grandma has walked all of her adult life in the light of the Lord. She has seen this great Light (Mt 4:16), and she has received his light into her heart. “God…made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” 2 Cor. 4:6. She has been looking into the Light of Jesus for many years. She has been walking with Him, and remaining in His light. She is clean, forgiven, beloved and radiant. “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin” 1 Jn 1:7.
Grandma, loving God’s commandments, and walking in His Light, understands that she can face anything in life with a peaceful heart, because Jesus is her strength, her song, her hope, her peace, her life!
Because of her love for Jesus, and close friendship with Him, Grandma is full of light. She spreads joy, good cheer, hope and peace, to all who will listen to her whisper, or look at her glow. She has “let her light shine before men, that they man see her good deeds and praise her Father in heaven,” Mt 5:16. She has laid her burdens down at the feet of Jesus, and taken up his “light” load; “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Mt 11:30.
Grandma will leave her legacy. She has modeled love for Jesus. She has exemplified faith under trial. She has displayed Christ’s light to anyone who would open their eyes and see her good deeds. She laid her own life down, became a servant to all, hoping that many would come to salvation.
I believe Grandma’s Christmas message is this: Be the Light. Love Him, know Him, thirst for Him, and display Him. Let Him live his life through you. Then, at the end of your days, you will have no fear. You will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, the Light in whom you have believed, and you will slip effortlessly into eternal fellowship with Him, comfortable in His heavenly presence, because you had basked in his Light on earth.
Enjoy this link as you ponder Jesus, the Light of the world!
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